Vinicius Fortuna

Engineering lead of the team at Google's Jigsaw protecting people’s ability to participate in the global internet. We develop technology to prevent, mitigate and expose network censorship.

One of the creators of the Outline DIY VPN and  the Knowledge Cards in Google's Web Search (patents).

Find my online identities and PGP on Keybase.

Internet Freedom

I post about my work at:

Public appearances and publications:

You can find my past work on LinkedIn:

Random Tools

Some tools I created in my spare time:


I have a Masters in Computer Science from the Institute of Computing of Unicamp (Campinas, Brazil):

Citations: Vinicius Fortuna on Google Scholar


I've created the Sleep no More Wiki.

Programming Contests

I competed in the IOI 99 and the ACM ICPC world finals in 2000 and 2002. I then went twice to the ACM ICPC as a coach.
